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ORTA Staff

BREAKING: yet another front-end/back-end attack is already being floated—which is why I write this today… So we can stop it.

It just never ends. It comes in so many forms, at all times. And—it’ s happening again.

Ohio politicians attack democracy on the front end: by gerrymandering, endless voter suppression and other tactics.

They attack it mid-stream: by trying to change the rules even as campaigns are taking place (like Issue 1 last year, or a new law this year, trying to undercut ballot initiatives when initiatives they don’t like are gaining momentum).

They attack it at the back end: by ignoring the results of referenda; by changing rules for the next election (as with Ohio Supreme Court races, when—after losing the majority—they changed the rules and defied court rulings until they got a new/friendly court); and by stripping power away from elections after candidates they don’t agree with prevail (the Ohio state school board).

(For those of you in other states, pay close attention to this—because this non-stop attack on democracy is either already happening or will soon.)

Amid all these attacks on democracy, NONE has been more aggressive and disturbing than what’s happened over several years of elections to the Ohio teachers pension board. (Reminder: that board oversees a $90B pension fund, and is made up of seven members elected by teachers and retirees who pay into the fund; and four appointees by statewide Ohio elected officials).

The Ohio politicians in Columbus don’t like how frustrated pension voters have been voting of late (they want more transparency and their COLA increase restored), so the politicians keep trying to undo the outcome of pension board elections. And the effort is so aggressive, its combined front-end, mid-stream and back-end attacks all at once.

STRS Ohio Board members Rudy Fichtenbaum and Wade Steen are incurring legal fees, defending themselves against the lawsuit brought against them by A.G. Dave Yost. ORTA will use donations from the Pension Defense Fund to help them, if needed, pay their legal expenses. They have volunteered their time to support Ohio's teachers. Now it's time for us to show our support for them! Make a donation today to the ORTA Pension Defense Fund



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