Ohio Retirement Study Council (ORSC)
Click here to visit the ORSC website.
Clicking on the email addresses will open your email program.
Voting Members: Senate
Senator Mark Romanchuk (Chair)
Email: Senator Romanchuk <romanchuk@ohiosenate.gov>
Phone: (614) 466-7505
Senate Building
1 Capitol Square
First Floor, 132
Columbus, OH 43215
Senator W. Louis Blessing III
Email: Senator Blessing <blessing@ohiosenate.gov>
Phone: (614) 466-8068
Senate Building
1 Capitol Square
First Floor, 143
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Senator Paula Hicks-Hudson
Email: Senator Hicks-Hudson <hicks-hudson@ohiosenate.gov>
Phone: (614) 466-5204
Senate Building
1 Capitol Square
Ground Floor, 057
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Voting Members: House
Representative Phil Plummer (Vice-Chair)
Email: Representative Plummer <rep39@ohiohouse.gov>
Phone: (614) 644-8051
77 South High Street
14th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Representative Adam Bird
Email: Representative Bird <rep63@ohiohouse.gov>
Phone: (614) 644-6034
77 South High Street
14th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Representative Sean P. Brennan
Email: Representative Brennan <rep14@ohiohouse.gov>
Phone: (614) 466-3485
77 South High Street
10th Floor
Columbus, Ohio 43215
Voting Members: Governor Appointees
Lora Miller
Email: Lora Miller <lora.miller@orsc.org>
Phone: (614) 221-7833
Appointed by Governor Kasich, March 2011
Director of Governmental Affairs & Public Relations at Ohio Council of Retail Merchants
50 West Broad Street; Suite 1111
Columbus, OH 43215
Gary Scherer
Email: Gary Scherer <gary.scherer@orsc.org>
Phone: (740) 474-6093
Pickaway County Commissioner
139 West Franklin Street
Circleville, OH 43113
Dr. Anthony Podojil
Email: Anthony Podojil <Anthony.Podojil@orsc.org>
Phone: (614) 842-2273
Executive Director, Alliance of High Quality Education
Alliance for High Quality Education
8050 North High Street, Suite 150
Columbus, OH 43235
To contact all of the voting members of the ORSC in one email message, copy/paste this list. Consider using BCC when sending an email message to a list.
Senator Mark Romanchuk <romanchuk@ohiosenate.gov>, Senator W. Louis Blessing III <blessing@ohiosenate.gov>, Senator Paula Hicks-Hudson <hicks-hudson@ohiosenate.gov>, Representative Phil Plummer <rep39@ohiohouse.gov>, Representative Adam Bird <rep63@ohiohouse.gov>, Representative Sean P. Brennan <rep14@ohiohouse.gov>, Lora Miller <lora.miller@orsc.org>, Gary Scherer <gary.scherer@orsc.org>, Dr. Anthony Podojil <Anthony.Podojil@orsc.org>
You can see the non voting members and the ORSC staff on the ORSC website.
Last updated: February 25, 2025